The EPF Coordination team is thrilled to host the EPF fellows in Istanbul during Devconnect IST.

Flights and accommodations will be provided by EPF.

This document is meant to provide details leading up to and during your time in Istanbul. This is a living document and more information will be added as it becomes available.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email me at [email protected].


EPF Day will be held all-day Friday, November 17th at the Istanbul Congress Center (the same location as the Devconnect Cowork space) in Room TBA. A tentative schedule is located below.


Subject to change

Morning Session

Time Event Details
8:45 Arrival/Check-In
9:00 Breakfast
9:15 Introduction
9:30 Project Presentations 10 min EPF project presentations
9:30 ETH Debian Rep Eniko
9:45 Ephemery Genesis Teri
10:00 REST Wrapper Jordan
10:15 Node Crawler Angus
10:30 Glados Kayden
10:45 Portal Network Validator Daniel
11:00 Improving Lighthouse Joel
11:15 Lighthouse Attestation Packing Geemo
11:30 Lighthouse Slasher Eitan
11:45 PEPC-Boost Bharath
12:00 Lambda Elixir Consensus Client Tomas, Tomas,
Martin, Paul-Henry
12:30 Lunch

Afternoon Session

Time Event Details
13:00 Keynote Danny Ryan
13:45 Project Presentations 10 min EFP project presentations
13:45 FHE-DKSAP Mason
14:00 ePBS Anshal, Ella, Manav, Chirag
14:15 SSF Expansion Lincoln
14:30 Cost Analysis of Poseidon Marcos
14:45 Reth Contributions Alessandro
15:00 Verkle in Nim Advaita, Agnish, Naman
15:15 Post-Verkle State Expiry Han
15:30 Verkle Tries in Circuit Dragan
15:45 Optimal Prover Mech in ZK-Rollups Nilu, Rachit, Norbert
16:00 Fuzzing Mohas
16:15 Efficient Light Client for Stateless Verification Sogol
16:30 Optimism Sequencer Support John
17:00 Panel Light Client, Alex Stokes, Ignacio, Tomasz, Cayman
6:00 Event End
7:00 Group Dinner Gina Restaurant
Map Location



Flights will be provided by EPF and will be booked through TravelPerk. TravelPerk is the platform we use to book travel without cost to the person booking. The EF has fairly small flight allowances through TravelPerk, so most flights will need to have a review requested. Request your flight at a reasonable average price (use Google Flights search to find what the average flight costs), and they will be approved.

An invitation to the TravelPerk platform is should be hitting your inbox by Sept 7.


EPF Fellows will be staying at the Point Hotel Taksim. Lodging is available from November 11-20.


Figure out if you will need a visa ASAP. Most visas can be acquired through the e-visa program website. If you NEED financial assistance securing your visa, please reach out via Discord DM.

Visa Invitation

The Ethereum Foundation can assist in providing you with a visa invitation letter, if needed. In order to receive an invitation, fill out this form. In the field that is requesting your ticket order code, type EPF FELLOW. Someone from the legal team will reach out within a week to secure your visa invitation.