
The purpose of this ROP is to advance research on new forms of AI-MEV that arise in digital markets mediated by LLMs and explore solutions/features to make these markets robust.


LLMs are quickly becoming the new interface, intermediary, and direct provider of digital services. In the future, with advances in AI and robotics this will expand towards an AI-mediated economy. New products such as GPT store and technology such as OpenRouter point in the direction of a multitude of retail services provided by a multitude of specialized AIs.

With the proliferation of LLMs, both closed and open source, new LLM markets are popping up. With increasing sophistication in matching and routing mechanisms for these markets and increasing volumes, the question of credibility arises. This is where permissionless blockchains such as Ethereum can be leveraged to set up credible markets.

We are interested in projects focused on the following and related areas.