<aside> 💡 Verkle Trees = Vector Commitments + Merkle Trees
Site maintained by @rudolf6, @ignaciohagopian, and @gballet (ping with any questions)
Last updated: Jan 30, 2025
  Introduction💬 Join the Eth R&D discord server for discussion (#verkle-trie-migration channel)
<aside> ✨ Tl;dr: Verkle Trees and statelessness bring many benefits to Ethereum
Smaller proof sizes allow proofs to be passed over the network, which will unlock many new types of functionality in addition to stateless clients
Lower hardware requirements to run a node, which improves decentralization
New nodes can join the network right away with faster sync
Potential scaling benefits in that it could allow for higher gas limits
More compatible with a zk-EVM future </aside>
What are Verkle Trees?
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